Turnabout by Steve Perry

Turnabout by Steve Perry

Author:Steve Perry [Perry, Steve]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Science Fiction, Fiction, Action & Adventure
ISBN: 9781595820549
Google: 5SAtHwAACAAJ
Amazon: 159582054X
Publisher: Dark Horse Books
Published: 2008-03-14T23:00:00+00:00


Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Regal and Marlin ran through the murky morning light, Regal leading, roughly following the broken trail that Mel and Danny had torn through the woods, looking for the girl. Martin cursed, gasping as he stumbled along, carrying his own and Gibson’s gear.

“Fucker, you fucker—!”

“Shut up,” Regal said, watching the woods, the .44 Mag in hand. He had his Winchester and his own gear and a lot to worry about. The ranger was crazy, he’d gone bugfuck out here in the wild, but he wanted the woman. Mel and Danny surely had her; she’d left an obvious track through the woods, and they’d left their own wake of prints and snapped undergrowth right behind her. A blind man could follow it, the ranger wasn’t going to have a problem. If Regal could get to a good spot far enough in advance, their troubles were over. If they ran into Mel and Danny first, all the better. Always a good idea to have the numbers, and if the ranger was as psychotic as he was starting to think, the woman might be worth more than gold.

Chopping up bears. Chopping up Warner and Richardson. The fucking arsenal he had, that Chey-Tac, surely what he’d used to cook Gibson. Some veteran survivalist type out here, seeing Charlie behind every tree, who the fuck knew? He was hunting them. Maybe he’d trashed their ATVs to keep them around, so he could relive his days in-country. Who could tell what someone like that would do? But if the woman was important to him, they had leverage.

Better not to need that, though. Better to take Sloane out as soon as he found a good spot. Don’t give the sucker a chance to get too close. Bullets worked faster than words.

He kept up the pace, slowing only occasionally to scan the trail behind them. He didn’t expect to see anything, not yet. The ranger would check out the station first, carefully, and unless he had a death wish, he wouldn’t come barreling right after them. Regal would have time to set something up, he just wanted to get a little more distance. The Winchester was an excellent rifle for what he had in mind. It was no Chey-Tac, but he could pot a bear from a thousand meters, given the right conditions. And the scope he had was good enough. Wasn’t like they were having a match at Camp Perry. Out here, first to shoot was the winner.

If you didn’t miss...

Find a high spot off the trail and wait. Maybe have Martin go ahead, make some noise...

He’d made a mistake. He’d never figured the ranger would fire on the station.

He hadn’t realized he was dealing with a crazy fuck.

Regal scanned his options with an expert eye, the murky daylight picking up little by little. He wouldn’t underestimate him again. Second time you screwed up against a guy with a gun could be the last time.


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